
What you need to know to stay cool with the Party

Everyone who intends to join the Kalika War Party needs to take a moment and consider the standards and guidelines summarized in these Protocools. No one can be forced to follow these guidelines, of course, but traditionally a voluntary code of honor in one form or another has bound warriors together. No authority compels anyone to follow these “rules,” except individual conscience. It is requested that you adopt and preserve these guidelines, completely on your honor, with the aim of insuring the strength and integrity of the Party.

Some points in these protocools are bound to become topics of discussion and perhaps even controversy. At the risk of appearing “official”, the entries are listed by numbers for easy reference in discussions that may arise within the Party. The formalities of these Protocools may appear to be bizarre or even rather byzantine at first encounter. Apply patience and an open mind as you consider them.

1   Non-Virtual Event

1.1   The KWP is a non-virtual event. Although it is announced virtually, via the Internet and social media, the KWP cannot develop or accomplish its objectives in cyberspace. Although knowledge of its existence may be spread virtually, the mission of the Party has to be accomplished by flesh-and-blood individuals in real-life situations. It is requested that each warrior in the KWP proceed into action by linking in the real world with at least one other warrior—as advised in the “tantric buddy system.”

1.2   Reliance upon virtual tools and media be held to a minimum, with the intention to phase over as far as realistically possible from virtual toward real engagement.

1.3   Warriors in the Party exercise prudence regarding surveillance and tracking known to be widely in use by the authorities when and where electronic devices are used. As far as possible, conduct vital communications in the security of direct, person-to-person contact. Work out how to rely more and more on non-virtual resources and methods for the organization and deployment of the Party.

2   Personal Relationships

2.1   If you have living parents or close relatives with whom you are normally in contact, you are asked to inform them of your involvement in the Party, stating in your own words what the involvement entails or may entail. Being careful not to incur fear, make clear the possibility of danger that might come your way from the authorities, the operatives of the System. In short, state openly and candidly to family members the risk and responsibility you assume by entering the Party.

2.2   If you are married with children, find the appropriate way to let your children know of your choice and explain what it entails.

2.3   If you are married without children, inform your partner (husband or wife) accordingly. Same if you are in an enduring partnership outside legal marriage.

2.4   If you are not married and have no children, commit yourself not to marry or have children as long as you are in the Party. Marriage in a tantric ceremony or other ritual within the KWP is an option, but not marriage as a legal convention. Pairing and partnering can of course occur within the Party, but not legal marriage which is a tool of the System.

3   Lateral Structure and Succession

“Lateral thinking” is the process of solving problems through an indirect and innovative approach, by use of reasoning that is not immediately obvious and does not follow a predictable sequence of logical steps. The term was coined in 1967 by Edward de Bono.

Lateral means “of, at, towards, or from the side or sides.” For example, “the plant takes up water through its lateral roots.” Synonyms: sideways, sideward, alongside, flanking. The operations of the KWP are lateral, branching out, not proceeding from a head position or hierarchal order of command. At its moment of emergence, the Party has a nominal leader in band 1, front and center in rank one, simply due to the fact that the release of the Party proceeds from that station. The lead station at the inception of the KWP is temporary, provisional (See also 3.4). As the missions of the Party unfold, lateral structure becomes defined, grows, expands, and establishes the fluidic synergic equilibrium of the Party in a self-evident manner.

3.1   The operations of all bands are lateral, equipoised, without hierarchy. Warriors recognize the temporary leader of band 1 living the moment of founding the Party, paired with the leader of Band 9, who stands in living absence. Hence there is no competition for these two “leading” positions, and no one can claim to assume these positions, which are already taken. (See also protocool 5.1.)

3.2   Band 13 under Kurukulla develops by triangular modules which are interchangeable. The lead position of this band will always be occupied (“locked”) by a triad. (See also protocool 5.2.)

3.3   Apart from the exception that applies to founding the Party, leading positions for the bands are fluid and interchangeable, may be defined by the mission undertaken at any moment, or decided by lots, following the custom of the telestai of the Mysteries.

3.4   At the inception of the Party, the lead position of band 1 is occupied, a living post. When this situation changes, the Party leaves that position vacant and its leader stands in living absence. Lead positions in band 1 form behind the vacant post, starting with a pair of men who share the lead, side by side. In other words, in succession two men take position behind the living absence in the lead position of band 1.

3.5   Following the vacancy at that post in band 1, the two men sharing the lead behind it each select a pair consisting of a male warrior and female apprentice: that makes six warriors, four men and two women. Once that formation is defined and stabilized, one woman joins it from each flanking band, 9 and 13: making a total of eight warriors, four men and four women. This group of eight generated from band 1 presents the primary cell of warriors charged with shamanic initiations into the telestic method, instruction by the Light. It is imperative that the primary cell forms in this manner: demonstrating how the Thunderbird Formation itself produces that cell via the human permutations of band 1.

4   Gender Issues

4.1   The KWP requires that homosexuals, gays or lesbians, or other gender variants such as transsexuals stay clear of the Party. This is a strictly heterosexual adventure with the marginal exception of bisexual women who can also love men. Individuals of alternative gender preferences are free to go and found their own strike force against social evil. Kalika warriors regard them in the spirit of peaceful co-existence, but they do not belong in the ranks of the Party.

4.2   Some Kalika bands attack agendas, policies, and propaganda based on gender issues—such as sex education to normalize homosexual marriage, promotion of gay rights over more important and far-reaching issues affecting the entire population, and gender neutrality policies. Kalika warriors rigorously oppose the use of alternative gender roles as ploys or props to advance anti-social, anti-human and anti-heterosexual programs. Such programs are dangerous weapons of deceit and division commonly used to perpetrate social evil. But it noted, however, that an offensive stance against such programs and policies cannot be equated with hostility toward, or condemnation of, individual persons of alternative gender orientation. Indifference is the polar complement to love.


5.1   Band 1 comprises male shamans with female apprentices, band 9 comprises female shamans with male apprentices. These conditions are exclusive to these two bands. No such gender rules apply to other bands.

5.2   Band 13, the motley crew under Kurukulla, requires warriors to work in triads, one man and two women, or two women and one man. This condition of triadic formation with those particular options for gender mix is unique to this band.

5.3   In bands 1 and 9 the roles of teacher and apprentice apply to shamanic practices exclusive of sexual magic which falls into the domain of Kala Tantra, band 10. The role of shamanic teacher overseeing an apprentice in bands 1 and 9 does not grant the privilege of sexual access. On the contrary, the teacher role comes with a strict standard of ethics holding sexual involvement with the apprentice completely off bounds. Bands 1 and 9 maintain a firm boundary between sexual involvement and shamanic training. There is no excuse for sexual exploitation of apprentices, and whoever violates this rule is to be regarded as a pariah in the eyes of the Party.

The basis for setting this boundary is simple. It derives from lessons drawn from the errors and failings of shamanic practice until now. The main failure has been, to combine sexual and shamanic behavior in a way that does not distort or undermine either the natural sexual disposition of the participants, or the integrity of the teaching process. Castaneda is the outstanding example: he blew it badly by taking sexual advantage of his female apprentices, conning and seducing them, etc. Granted, yes, some of his apprentices were willing victims… Castaneda presented the case of a male shaman sexually exploiting his female apprentices. But exploitation can easily happen with a woman shaman and her younger male apprentices.

Regarding “sexual magic” in the KWP, this practice belongs exclusively to the domain of Kala Tantra. Warriors of both genders in the Party may proudly call yourself “Kalika” to declare that you belong to the army of Kali, not to announce yourselves practitioners of Kala Tantra. You are Kalikas, not Tantrikas. The specific method of sexual magic inherent to the Terma of Gaia Awakening is Kala Tantra, as explained in the Nav Briefing 88, “The Terma is a Tray.” Being a Kalika does not grant automatic license to consider yourself a practiced Tantrika—the term applied specifically to practitioners of sexual magic.

5.4   Using the role of shamanic teacher to invite, demand, or extort sexual favors from apprentices is an absolute no-no in the Kalika War Party. Band 9, under Matangi, carries the assignment to teach and guide adolescents in rites of passage involving puberty and post-pubescent sexual awakening, but it does not require the teacher to have sexual relations with them. The protocool strictly forbids it.

5.5   Sexual education that involves adult direction of younger people of both sexes is the specific domain of band 10, under Kamala. Sexual initiation of young women proceeds among the women in the Party with an elder woman supervising, while initiation of young men may best be handled by an older woman, also, acting in the Hetaira role.

5.6   The veteran male shaman may offer instruction verbally to younger people of both sexes, exclusive of carnal instruction for the girls, which is the prerogative of women.

5.7   Younger women of Kamala’s band may initiate older men into sexual Tantra on the standard of the Terma, following the two KT rituals, the three instructions, etc.

5.8   Sexual rapport between older men and younger women within the party, if conducted ritually, falls in the domain of Kala Tantra, band 10, and must be reserved closely and exclusively in that domain. Otherwise, it is just an ordinary affair.

5.9   Partnering or pairing between mixed-age groups of men and women, including sexual intimacy, can of course happen spontaneously within the Party, without reference to Kala Tantra initiations. Such free-form sexual relations do not have to be regarded as Tantrically based. Their basis is purely amative, ludic, and hedonic, not ritual. “The natural craving of the human animal is polyamorous.” Erotic-sexual energy is the life blood of the Kalika War Party. Hence the sexual protocools for the Party are numerous, precise, and rigorous.

5.10   Any couples in the Party can practice sexual Tantra within their band or between bands once the techniques have been learned from Kalikas in band 10, under Kamala, who hold the instructions and methods of Kala Tantra as a speciality.

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Future protocools will offer more guidelines for interband transactions relating to the extremely precarious issues of sex and shamanism.